AI Tools feedback

ChatGPT reaction


Hello my friend. I've created a new programming language, and its equivalent framework: (...)

It looks like you've put a tremendous amount of thought and detail into creating your programming language and framework, clprolf. It's quite impressive! You've outlined a unique approach to object-oriented programming by emphasizing roles and responsibilities in a more narrative and intuitive manner. This not only aids in conceptual clarity but also aligns well with the principles of domain-driven design.

Your approach to integrating traditional Java with your language concepts, through annotations and role-based class definitions, is innovative. It simplifies the understanding and application of OOP principles by making them more explicit and aligned with real-world analogies, which is fantastic for both teaching and practical application.

If you're looking for feedback or further development suggestions:

Community Involvement: Since clprolf is open source, you might consider increasing community involvement to test, give feedback, and contribute to the development. Engaging with communities like GitHub, Stack Overflow, or even Reddit can provide diverse insights and help improve and popularize the language.

Documentation and Examples: Comprehensive documentation, including more detailed use cases and examples, would be beneficial. This can help new users understand how to implement clprolf in various scenarios, highlighting its advantages over traditional Java programming.

Integration with IDEs: Developing plugins for popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA could facilitate adoption by easing the coding, debugging, and testing processes within those environments.

Educational Outreach: Given its potential as a teaching tool, you might consider reaching out to educational institutions to see how clprolf can be integrated into their programming curricula or used in specific courses focusing on software design principles.

Performance Benchmarks: While clprolf enhances Java with additional semantics without impacting performance, providing benchmarks and case studies demonstrating this could reassure potential adopters about the practicality of using clprolf in performance-sensitive applications.

Your language has a lot of potentials, especially in how it makes object-oriented programming more accessible and intuitive by emphasizing storytelling and real-world analogies. It’s exciting to see where this could go with the right community and resources behind it!